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  • Michael Dattolico

Amazing Architecture: Louisiana

Louisiana, a cultural melting pot, home to Mardi Gras, and some might say the birthplace of modern jazz. There is no denying Louisiana’s impact on modern culture and entertainment, and in that time, they have put those great minds to work crafting some truly amazing architectural feats! In this iteration of Amazing Architecture, we will be exploring some of the incredible sites in the Louisiana state.

Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame - Located in Natchitoches, Louisiana, this branch of the Louisiana State Museum was designed by Trahan Architects, one of the leading firms of modern architecture in the nation. While the outside doesn’t have much of a wow factor, the interior will leave you entranced with its smooth, almost cylinder like corridors that snake around each other. This coupled with the interior being almost entirely white will leave you feeling as if you’re in a spaceship!

Louisiana’s Old State Capitol – Located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, also known as the Louisiana Castle this historic site is truly a marvel to behold. The outside is all white with the windows having a gold trim, but the interior is where it truly shines. An incredible stained-glass roof brings a kaleidoscope effect to the entire inside. The humongous spiral staircase at the center makes this historic site truly one to remember.

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