With the recent hurricanes hitting Florida, homeowners should take every preventive measure they can to avoid damage. Should elevating your home be on that list? In this article we will outline the benefits of raising your home and some considerations you should make before deciding.
There are many different ways to elevate your home.There’s either lifting your house and building a new foundation, or adding a new level to your home.

The biggest way to know if your home is at risk for flooding is knowing the flood protection elevation, and how close or far it is to your base flood elevation. The difference between these two levels is the answer to the question of if it's required for your home. If you have already experienced flooding damage, it is definitely recommended to elevate your home.
Some considerations to make before deciding are the state of your current foundation, the house design and shape, how access to the doors will change, or even some hazards that are around the home. We can answer any questions or concerns you have. It's a big decision, but can give you peace of mind next time a hurricane visits our beautiful state.
We hope you found this information on elevating your home insightful. At AJS, we are committed to serving the Gulf Coast and beyond in moving, building, and leveling and we are here to help you and your properties. For lifting, construction, or moving, give us a call today to schedule a free consultation!