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  • Michael Dattolico

Should you Sell your Home?

Real estate prices are rising, in Florida especially. While not the best for the buyers, if you are a homeowner there is no doubt you have considered cashing in on this high priced market. In this article we will go through some considerations you should make before selling your home.

There are many costs when it comes to selling your home. Preparing your home can be a big one, often taking about 10% of the cost your house will be sold for. There is some room in the market for buying homes as-is, but this market is closing, with many homes in Florida, move-in ready or not, often sitting on the market for a long time in 2022.

There is also the question of why you want to sell your home. Sometimes you outgrow it, but other times you may just want to get in on this pricey market. The cost of preparing your home, hiring a photographer and a real estate agent, etc, can outweigh the money you make in the long run. That money often goes to a new home, unless you plan on stitching from a single family home to a different mode of living.

We hope you found this information on the considerations before selling your home helpful. At AJS, we are committed to serving the Gulf Coast and beyond in moving, building, and leveling and we are here to help you and your properties. For lifting, construction, or moving, give us a call today to schedule a free consultation!

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