West Florida After Ian
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  • Michael Dattolico

West Florida After Ian

The Gulf Coast of Florida got hit hard by Hurricane Ian, and is still recovering. In this article, we will be discussing the extent of the storm on the West Coast of Florida.

As Hurricane Ian hit the Gulf Coast, not many were expecting the severity of the storm. Fort Myers and surrounding areas were told to evacuate less than 24 hours before the storm hit the coast, leaving many stuck in a place that was about to be underwater. While Fort Myers mayor says that the county acted appropriately for the emergency, 42 people died within Lee County, mostly due to drowning.

Many of the areas within the coast are seeing similar patterns in damage from home to home. Older homes that are not built or updated to current codes are underwater, swept away or completely destroyed, while new homes following new codes are still standing. While pre-emergency resources were not great for some residents, post-emergency help was there as much as it could be. Many local areas are focusing on the building and home codes as they rebuild their community, but the question remains, is it enough? Even with Nicole not touching the Gulf Coast, many families are still recovering from this hurricane season.

We hope you found this article informative. At AJS, we are committed to serving the Gulf Coast and beyond in moving, building, and leveling and we are here to help you and your properties. For lifting, construction, or moving, give us a call today to schedule a free consultation!

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